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The Q Bay Global Pitch Day virtual conference on Global Biotechnology is a valuable and important platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of applied biotechnology. The exchanges and discussions on global medical trending topics strive to expand the influence of global medical collaboration and promote the goal of medical development. It brings together key sector stakeholders from around the globe to explore the most important trends impacting many industries including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device/diagnostics, and FDA-regulated consumer products. The event covers facets of academic relevance as well as business opportunities. The roadshow projects include gene therapy, small molecule drug development, medical devices, kidney injury medical methodologies, treatment of pulmonary nodules, and many other aspects.


We are pleased to have Dr. Sidi Chen, Associate Professor at Yale University as our keynote speaker tonight, he will talk about genome engineering and immunotherapy, and share his journey of uncovering novel insights into cancer and developing them into the next generation of therapeutics.

Five startups on gene therapy, small molecule drug development, medical devices, kidney injury medical methodologies, and big data will pitch at the event. In addition, over 30 Q Bay VIP venture capital partners, global VC, and biotech corporate partners will also be attending the event.

The event covers facets of academic relevance as well as business opportunities. The roadshow projects include gene therapy, small molecule drug development, medical devices, kidney injury medical methodologies, big data, and many other aspects.

The participants will have 25 minutes to pitch their ideas to our investors and corporate partners. Slides needed. Followed by a 5-minute Q&A. The investors may ask questions to the start-ups and provide feedback following their pitch (should time allow).

Event Info

Date: Thursday, June 20, 2022

Time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm, PDT

Venue: Zoom for All participants

Agenda (All Pacific Time)

Opening Remark

6:00 pm-6:05 pm, Introduction of Q Bay Center

Keynote Speech

6:05 pm-6:30 pm
Speaker: Sidi Chen, Associate Professor of Genetics at Yale University
Title: Genome Engineering and Immunotherapy
Abstract: We seek a global understanding of the molecular factors controlling cancer progression and anti-tumor immunity. Towards this end, we utilize a diverse set of modern tools including high-throughput screening, in vivo CRISPR genome editing, animal models, synthetic biology, and bioinformatics. Our goal is to uncover novel insights into cancer and develop them into the next generation of therapeutics.

Startup Pitch

  • 6:30 pm-7:00 pm Qx Therapeutics
  • 7:00 pm-7:30 pm NovaXS
  • 7:30 pm-8:00 pm Santolecan Pharmaceuticals
  • 8:00 pm-8:30 pm Boseagle Surgical
  • 8:30 pm-9:00 pm Ored
  • 9:00 pm-9:30 pm Open Q&A

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