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Welcome to Q Bay monthly Mentor Series of September! This time we invited Dr. Alan Jiang, Chief Strategy Officer and Board of Directors at XtalPi,  to share his insights on the innovative fusion of artificial intelligence and the small-molecule drug industry, on Wednesday, Sep 7 @7pm (PDT).


Artificial intelligence (AI) offers the potential to transform drug discovery. Over the last few years, AI-enabled drug discovery has grown substantially through technological progress, such as the use of neural networks to design molecules and the application of knowledge graphs to understand target biology. Several AI-native drug discovery companies have progressed molecules into clinical trials, in some cases reporting greatly accelerated timelines and reduced costs, raising high expectations in the R&D community. In addition, many established pharmaceutical companies have formed discovery partnerships with AI companies to explore the technology.

Despite this progress, it is still early days for AI in drug discovery with many open questions. In this series, Dr. Jiang will bring:

  • A brief introduction to AI in small-molecule drug discovery
  • The impact and potential of AI application in the small-molecule drug industry

Event Info

Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, PDT

Venue: Zoom for All participants

Speaker Introduction

Dr. Alan Jiang is the Chief Strategy Officer of XtalPi, where he bears primary responsibility for the company’s strategy development including the identification of growth opportunities, strategic planning, and execution. Dr. Jiang joined XtalPi with over twenty years of scientific and research management experience, most of it gained in positions of increasing responsibility at Genzyme and then Sanofi-Genzyme. Prior to joining XtalPi, he was the director of the Asia R&D Strategy of the Sano-fi-Genzyme R&D Center and in that capacity, he was responsible for the development of Genzyme Asia/China R&D strategy and led cross-functional R&D external collaborations and projects in Asia.

Dr. Jiang received his medical degree and doctorate in molecular biology followed by post-doctoral research in hematology and oncology at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

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